Complete Overview of Field Sales Activities in 4 Steps

Reps allocate buyers on the map
The first screen shows reps a map of all their buyers. When reps allocate buyers to a specific route they get mapped out based on GPS location or their address.
Each route has a number of buyers added to that route, time defined for visits, and the number of monthly visits. Using this data, the algorithm calculates monthly sustainability as a percentage so reps can stay on top of their schedule and avoid missing appointments.
Algorithm generates a calendar
With the calendar overview reps can start every day anxiety-free. The screen shows planned routes for the day, number of visits, time planned for visits, daily turnaround, and the sustainability rate for each day of the month.
By clicking on the cards for each day rep gets a detailed overview for that specific day with the route names and a list of scheduled visits.

Reps get a detailed plan for every day
Backed up by Intelisale’s powerful algorithm, sales reps can start each day without the anxiety of struggling to organize their daily schedule. The algorithm acts as a personal assistant, helping reps to focus on the most prosperous buyers, and to effectively manage their time, raising productivity to a whole new level. Reps only have to show up, login, click a button, and dominate the day!
Managers get a reports screen for quick and easy insights
Equipped with up-to-date information, managers can get insights into sales rep engagement at any time. They can see which reps are over - or underworked and how much turnaround is being generated, allowing them to reassign tasks to exceed quotas and score bonuses.