Cross-Platform Ordering App
Every sales rep becomes a superhero - on the field or behind a desk.
Giving you more than any other B2B sales tool
Order taking powered by Artificial Intelligence
More than just an app for any smartphone, tablet or web browser
Write and send orders or create wish lists in a few clicks
Be guided through the entire sales process with Smart Recommendations, client-specific insights and cross-organization know-how
Get real-time order status and customer-based analytics
Visualize your goal with flexible pricing and target overview
One-click order management
Approve and disapprove queue and special requests from sales reps are created live from the field
Approval process is managed with a single click and sales reps are informed instantaneously
Past orders overview is created automatically so you can review historical data
Customization and product updates
Customize pricing and set pricing flexibility to improve sales
Manage and set territories, add or remove sales reps
Set gamification rules and awarding options for your sales reps
Exceed your targets with data-driven decisions
Track, organize, plan, and reward your sales teams based on live reports
Monitor individual and group performance by division, territory, and customer
See key industry and customer-related trends
Recognize best-in-class sales reps through gamification functionalities